You should have a weekly shopping list poste on your fridge door or somewhere close when you're about to leave the house. This way it's accessible and you're always reminded that there are items that you must buy.
Your shopping list should have categories for grocery section, such as:
Fresh Meat
Fresh Produce
Canned foods
And on and on and on...
This way, you save time by not going back and forth an isle.
As time goes by you'll get used to your nearest supermarket's arrangement and will remember which isle comes first, so arrange your categories accordingly.
If you're buying seafood, buy from big Supermarkets such as Geant, Carrefour, Union Coop if you're in the UAE. Their turnover is quick which ensures you get the freshest seafood you can find.
If you're buying fresh meat, buy from small ones, like Choitram, Spinneys, Park and Shop... their turnover is slower ensuring your meat had enough hanging time. The longer it's hanged, the tender your meat will be. Hanging allows muscles to relax and enzymes to get redistributed.
Majority of us forget to look at expiration date when buying canned or preserved stuff... please be concerned. That way, you don't waste your time and money on something that you'll throw the following week.
Always look at "on sale isle". Some items aren't due to expire in the next 2 months. If you're going to need the ingredient or item within the month, might as well take advantge of a better priced items.
Your shopping list should have categories for grocery section, such as:
Fresh Meat
Fresh Produce
Canned foods
And on and on and on...
This way, you save time by not going back and forth an isle.
As time goes by you'll get used to your nearest supermarket's arrangement and will remember which isle comes first, so arrange your categories accordingly.
If you're buying seafood, buy from big Supermarkets such as Geant, Carrefour, Union Coop if you're in the UAE. Their turnover is quick which ensures you get the freshest seafood you can find.
If you're buying fresh meat, buy from small ones, like Choitram, Spinneys, Park and Shop... their turnover is slower ensuring your meat had enough hanging time. The longer it's hanged, the tender your meat will be. Hanging allows muscles to relax and enzymes to get redistributed.
Majority of us forget to look at expiration date when buying canned or preserved stuff... please be concerned. That way, you don't waste your time and money on something that you'll throw the following week.
Always look at "on sale isle". Some items aren't due to expire in the next 2 months. If you're going to need the ingredient or item within the month, might as well take advantge of a better priced items.