Kids are soooo cute and if they're anything like mine, they love too be involved in the kitchen.
Let them help you:
mix dough ingredients
roll out doughs, one or two times at the beginning won't hurt your pastry
toss salad or pasta
sprinkle herbs or cheese as a finishing touch to dishes
choose toppings for their own pizza
ladle mixture into cupcakes
grease muffin pan/tins
and tons more! Feel free to give me more ideas :)
Let them help you:
mix dough ingredients
roll out doughs, one or two times at the beginning won't hurt your pastry
toss salad or pasta
sprinkle herbs or cheese as a finishing touch to dishes
choose toppings for their own pizza
ladle mixture into cupcakes
grease muffin pan/tins
and tons more! Feel free to give me more ideas :)