It smelled a bit vinegar-y at the start,,, but now it's smelling pretty good so it's 50-50%! I'm definitely a nervous wreck coz it has to work... I have no back-up plan for dinner and my kids and hubby are definitely famished.... dinner from a can is soooo not an option.
Tip 1: 1 cup of half and half = 1 cup milk less 2 tablespoons + 1.5 tablespoon melted butter
Tip 2: I used couple day old pan de sal, 1.5 piece for my bread crumbs...
Tip 3: If you don't have a meat thermometer, mine "luckily" broke today %^%$#$%#!, your loaf will pull from the sides which means it's done.
Tip 4: Depending on the type of meat you use, whether it's fresh or re-freeze, there will be more of less liquid in the pan.
Carefully spill off the excess thin liquid onto a side bowl. Make sure to keep the caramelized liquid ON the loaf.
650 grams ground beef
1-3 slices of bread (I used 1 1/2 pan de sal), broken finely
1 egg
a small onion, minced
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup half and half
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
4 tablespoons dark brown sugar, packed firm (to taste)
1/2 cup ketchup
Heat oven at 350 F.
Combine sauce ingredients and set aside.
Combine meat loaf ingredients in another bowl. Once throughly mixed, form the mixture into a loaf baking dish.
Smooth out top and form a space on sides by pressing firmly towards the center, use rubber scraper if available, spatula will work too.
Pour sauce on top and sides of meatloaf.
Bake your loaf for one hour to one hour and fifteen minutes or until the meat is done. Your meat thermometer should read 170 F
Rest your meatloaf for 10 minutes before serving.
Enjoy your absolutely moist and super scrumptuous meatloaf... we just did and I'm proud!!! Definitely made it to my "Fave List"
By the way, I forgot to say... this is so darn easy to make! So easy I doubted it'll deliver... it soooo did!!!